Demon's Souls

Demon's Souls

(ESRB - Standard)

Feb 5, 2009
Offline play
Download required

DoesItPlay Test Notes:

* Runs at 30 FPS. Slowdown occurs when a lot of effects are happening at once such as objects breaking.

* A prompt will appear about being offline when starting the game. This does not affect being able to complete the game or any content. This only affects being able to do Co-Op and PVP.

* All trophies obtainable.

Content Completed:

* Main story completed.

* All ring’s, spells, miracles and unique weapons obtained.

* All upgrade paths completed.

* Platinum trophy acquired.

Additional Notes:

* No update available at the time of posting this test. (12/23/24)

* Disc ID: BLUS-30443

* Spine ID: BLUS-30443

* Number of players: 1

* Audio language supported: English

* Subtitle language supported: English

* Accessibility options: N/A

* Quality/Performance option: No

Community Test notes:

Entire campaign is on disc and it is playable offline.
It has trophy support on disc.
There is no update available.
The disc includes at least English language (tested).

Tested by DoesItPlay on PS3 Slim